DYZE — Day 3

Today is the third day of Dr. Yond's Zombie Experiment, with a couple of important firsts:

  • First moving obstacles (cars going in and out of a parking garage, which you must pass, Frogger-style)
  • First game-over detection and reset
  • First web build (now available on the main project page!)

That last one — making a web build — is an important milestone, because it's the first time we've ever published a web game made in Mini Micro (not counting the main Mini Micro demo page itself).  To do it, I had to work out how the user.minidisk file, which contains all the code and assets for the game, would get bundled with the web app and delivered to the web player.  But it's done now and works great, as you can see.

In the future, lots of people (maybe including you?) will be using Mini Micro to write all sorts of games, simulations, and fun little demos, and they'll want to publish them.  We've now demonstrated publishing to Mac, Windows, and the web (and Linux should work as well, though I haven't tried it yet).  The real experiment behind Dr. Yond's Zombie Experiment isn't about zombies at all; it's about Mini Micro, and that experiment is already a huge success.

But I hope to also make a fun and quirky little game.  So give it a try, and see if you can get all three of your little zombies safely past the parking garage!  (If you do, that's all there is for now... you'll see that the rest of the level is still unfinished.  Come back tomorrow for more!)


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Aug 25, 2019

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