Now available for offline play!

By player request, The Dragon Races is now available to play offline!  Here's how you do it:

  1. Download a build of Mini Micro for your platform.
  2. Download the dragonrace.minidisk file from The Dragon Races page.
  3. Unpack and launch Mini Micro on your local machine.
  4. Click the upper of the two disk slots that appear below the Mini Micro screen, and choose "Mount Disk File..."
  5. Select the dragonrace.minidisk file you downloaded in step 2.
  6. Type reboot at the prompt and press Return.

That should restart Mini Micro, with the dragonrace disk loaded, and take you right into the game!  Quit Mini Micro when done, and next time you launch it, it will start right up into The Dragon Races again.

Also feel free to hit Control-C to break out of the program, and poke around in the code.  Have fun!


dragonrace.minidisk 7.4 MB
Jul 08, 2022

Get The Dragon Races


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So people, when you want something, like an offline version, feel free to ask the dev, somethimes, a wish is granted. :)

Yep, it never hurts to ask!